21 August 2007

Fabulous fish

I'm in UB today (Ulaanbaatar, the capital city). I'm here to pick up my friend Todd at the airport (yay!). Going to UB from Darkhan feels a lot like returning to civilization. I had a few shopping errands to run this afternoon, then I had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, the "California." They serve the most authentic American food I've had in Mongolia. Tonight I ordered the grilled salmon. Now - let me explain - Mongolia is a land-locked desert, so fish is rarely available in restaurants, and even when it's available, it's usually not advisable. But I gambled tonight, and won big. It was amazing! I savored every fishy bite, and I might not even brush my teeth tonight just so I can hang on to that yummy taste. (ok, now that I typed that out, it sounds kind of gross).

My pal Justin is an American staff member working here with Lifeqwest as a construction manager. We always get jealous of each other when one gets to go to UB and feast on good food, and the other is left behind in Darkhan. Tonight I happened to know that he was dining with the Darkhan state governor, quite an honor. I figured they would be eating Mongolian food, so I couldn't resist taunting him a little. As it turns out, we were both eating dinner at the same time in our respective cities. Here are the messages we exchanged via cell phone text:

me: "I'm eating grilled salmon. I have died and gone to heaven."
Justin: "That's nice. I'm eating goat fat."

I had a little chuckle at my table. I know, I'm mean. But he'll get me back.


Elbie Adams said...

This just made me laugh out load...which was followed by small gag at the thought of eating goat fat. Oh my.

VM said...

Mmmm. Goat bacon, anyone?

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious ! I remember seeing the Inuit's in Alaska eating whale blubber at a festival and I was grateful it wasn't me :)