01 February 2008


One arm of our ministry here in Darkhan is reaching out to some of the elderly and poor in the community. We try to assess their most critical needs, and provide assistance where possible. Sometimes we give food, other times medicine, and sometimes we just visit with them to let them know that we care about them. Yesterday I spent the day doing just that, visiting about 5 or 6 homes and talking with them. In reality, I did little of the talking. I mostly listened to our staff in charge of this ministry, Norjin, talk with them. It's both a humbling and edifying experience.

This man has sold all his animals in order to buy enough coal to make it through the winter and keep his house warm. His wife had a stroke when she was 55 years old, and has spent the 10 years since then bedridden. Although only 65, his wife looks more like 85. They survive on a small amount of government assistance.

This lady is in her 50s, and yet has crippling arthritis. Her hands are gnarled and almost useless. She lives in a ger, and is helped a little by her daughter. After talking with her, we decided to send some of our older boys to work in her yard and help her with things she is unable to do. I love that we engage our own kids to help in the community.

Visiting with these sweet people always challenges me. It's not enough to pity them - Jesus calls us to actually help them. "...I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

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