20 June 2007

Hongor village water update

The Hongor water situation is stabilized, for the time being. For the last two weeks, we've been providing clean drinking water to the people affected by the water contamination (see my previous blog posts). Twice a day, a large utility truck parks inside the village and allows everyone to come and draw water. I like going out there when I have time just to visit with folks. This boy told me that he is eleven years old. After some effort to mount his bike, he manages to pull that water canister behind him while riding his bike.

By God's providence, we had already planned for a small team from Baylor University to come and do some well work this summer. Later this month they will arrive and commence an effort to de-contaminate/purify the wells in Hongor. Our hope and prayer is that we can help get the wells fixed. Until then, however, we are committed to providing the daily water truck. Thanks so much to those of you who have made a contribution, it is truly preventing a toxic situation for many people, including this boy and his family.

1 comment:

Steven and Amanda said...

How 'bout my Baylor Bears? Sic 'Em!