01 September 2007

It's all about the dairy products

Mongolians love their dairy products. I really can't express in words how much they love them. It's a huge part of their culture and diet. Especially for the herdsmen and families in the countryside, they depend on their livestock for their livelihood. It's a very primitive lifestyle, truly living off the land. When visiting a family in their countryside home, you are guaranteed to be served some sort of dairy product. I found this informative link to explain how many different kinds there are:

I took this picture just outside of a ger I visited, where the family is drying curd outside.

Mmm, sour milk! Imagine it tasting hard, chewy, with a sour/bitter taste. And be glad you can just imagine it and don't have to eat it like I do. Actually, I always receive it gratefully because it's a generous and hospitable gesture by the people. But that doesn't mean I have to like the taste!

1 comment:

Todd Richards said...

Mmmmm... I miss it already. ;-)