18 October 2007


I'm not sure why I haven't yet shared about these ladies - they are my #1 passion and joy here. My first priority while I'm here working with this ministry is discipleship - to fulfill Jesus' command in Matthew 28:19-20. Mongolia has had religious freedom for only about 15 years, so Christianity, as well as other religions, is relatively new to them. Young Christians have a strong desire to better understand the bible and learn from "older" Christians. When Jerry (the missionary) and I prayed and talked about how I could serve here, we were immediately in sync on this.

We have approximately 15 ladies on staff who work as "housemothers." These ladies are the caregivers to our 50+ children, who live in apartments. Most are Christians, but not all. One of the first things I did when I arrived was to start hosting a weekly bible study in my apartment for any women on our staff who were interested. Due to their rotating work schedule (24 hrs on, 48 hrs off), I lead bible study 3 mornings a week - Tues-Thurs from 9-11am, teaching the same lesson each day. We started with the basics: defining Christianity, explaining the structure and source of the bible, and spiritual disciplines. By the end of the summer, we had gotten to know each other pretty well, and in the Fall we started an in-depth study of Romans, which will likely take up my remaining time here.

The response has been overwhelming to me. I knew God was leading me to do this, but I didn't realize how desperately these women desired to know God better and to fellowship with each other. Not a week has gone by where at least one of them doesn't thank me for providing a place for them to meet together, share their lives and problems, and have someone explain the scriptures to them. I have literally watched God change their hearts, including one who got saved during the summer (hallelujah!) and others who are learning to love each other rather than harbor bitterness. I could fill up pages with sweet stories that have blessed my socks off. Also note these are the heroes from my plumbing disaster!

The picture above is only some of them - including my sweet translator Naraa on the far left. She is one of the most joyful people I have ever met, and always has that smile on her face. I am hugely blessed by all of them, and they are much of the reason our children are so fantastic!

N.B. - Thanks to my dad, who generously donated Mongolian study bibles to each woman - an extravagance none of them could afford!


Anonymous said...

Your posts always bless me and I love your blog. What a beautiful story you tell with each post.
I am praying for you and your ladies.
Moms Keprta

Amanda C. said...

I love seeing the pictures of the people you are spending this year with! I can only imagine what a blessing it is to weekly see these women grow through your sharing of God's Word. Didn't know about Dad donating the Bibles, but how COOL!!