29 October 2007

First snow

Yesterday we got our first real snow. It was just a few inches, and I enjoyed going out today since it was bright and sunny. Snow makes everything beautiful! I took this picture this morning while out shopping. You can see the large theater building and the mountains in the background.

Here's the view from my 3rd floor balcony this morning:

And in case you're wondering how cold it is, it's cold. Not unbearable, but it's been in the 30s during the day, and around 10 degrees overnight. Surprisingly, if it's sunny and there's no wind, it's not too bad outside.


Anonymous said...

How beautiful. It's still too warm here for November. It's been in the 50s or 60s in the morning and into the low 80s by mid-afternoon. Glad to know you're handing the weather well.

Amanda C. said...

OH MY-- I'm glad you've got that new coat!! LOL!! No snow in Ohio yet; in fact, we're still enjoying beautiful fall weather. Miss you, sis!!