02 November 2007

Romans revelation

Over the past 4 months, I have been getting to know our housemothers more closely through our weekly bible study (see previous post). It's a privelege to serve them and to develop friendships with them. This week, I saw something wonderful.

One of the ladies, Lhagva, is a widow in her 40s. When I first met her, I saw a cold, stern, woman. Early on, she came to bible study faithfully, but was silent and grimfaced. I also knew that she was particularly strict with the children. From day one, I was praying that God would soften her heart and draw her to Him.

God is faithful. By the end of the summer, Lhagva was smiling and talking. She remarked about how different the housemothers seemed, and how they interacted with each other much more kindly than before. I never would have guessed it, but she has become one of my favorites. She is a cool, but tough lady. I'm not 100% sure of her faith, but I believe she's on her way to being sold out for Christ.

We've been studying Romans, which is a challenge for anyone (most of all, me). I've been doing my best to unwrap its deep spiritual truths in a manner most applicable and understandable to them. We've just completed chapters 1-3, spending a lot of time discussing how we as sinners can only be saved by faith, not by following the law. After we finished on Wednesday this week, Lhagva said, "I heard a famous lawyer say that there is nothing higher than the law. But now I see that we can't meet the law, so we have to have faith. And I'm going to go tell someone that today."

All praise and glory to Him who is able to show us these things!

1 comment:

Amanda C. said...

How wonderful that God has touched her heart through you!! Keep the blog entries coming; they are a true blessing to me, as well!