25 November 2007

Where God lives

Yesterday's sermon at church got me thinking. Right in the middle of it, too. The pastor introduced his main point and verse, and then the Holy Spirit starting teaching me and I sort of tuned out the rest of the pastor's sermon. I spent the rest of the time writing and thinking. The pastor's opening verse was Exodus 29:46, which says in the NASB, "They shall know that I am the Lord their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I might dwell among them; I am the Lord their God." God rescued the Jews from slavery in Egypt not just because He "heard their cries," but for the purpose of dwelling with them. And not just in spirit, but physically and visibly dwelling with them. Wow. It struck me that from beginning to end, the bible describes God's desire and intention to dwell physically, not just spiritually, with people. That, after all, was His original creative purpose with Adam. God was physically there with Adam on earth, walking and talking with him. I don't know what form God took, but it was physical and visible. Why else would Adam and Eve have to hide from Him later?

Here's where my mind went while the pastor was speaking:
  • Jews from the Exodus - In the form of a cloud, God rested on the tabernacle in the wilderness. "...the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle." (Exodus 40:34)
  • Solomon's temple - after Solomon's 7-year construction of the awesome Jerusalem temple, the king consecrated it and offered up a great prayer and sacrifices to the Lord. God then appeared in the temple in a thick cloud. (2 Chronicles 7:1-2)
  • Jesus Christ - the obvious and ultimate example. God in human form, Immanuel, meaning "God with us."
  • Holy Spirit - after Jesus' departure from earth, this is Jesus in people all around us.
  • Second advent - Jesus will return in bodily form to rule the earth. (Revelation 19)

At one point, I did hear the pastor ask the congregation, "Who here would like to see God?" Hands shot up all around the room. But history shows otherwise! God keeps trying to live with us, and mankind has continually rejected Him for lesser substitutes. I can partly understand why, since I myself fear God. Being in the physical presence of God sounds wonderful, but it also sounds kind of terrifying. Nevertheless, that's the Christian's great hope and reward. Right now we have the Holy Spirit who dwells in our hearts. But that's not the best part - ultimately we will truly see God, and dwell with Him. That's what He has intended from the beginning.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic insight. Thanks for sharing.

Amanda C. said...

WOW Susannah, what an amazing insight! I envy your time to think consider, and understand better your faith while you're over there. You should share more of your experiences like this with us!!